templates/bundles/SyliusShopBundle/Product/Show/_variantSelection.html.twig line 1

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  1. {#<div class="name-feat-button {% if product.images.toArray()|length < 2 %}single-image{% endif %}">#}
  2. {#    {% if product.isConfigurable() and product.getVariantSelectionMethod() == 'match' and not product.enabledVariants.empty() %}#}
  3. {#        {% include '@SyliusShop/Product/Show/_variantsPricing.html.twig' with {'pricing': sylius_product_variant_prices(product, sylius.channel), 'variants': product.enabledVariants} %}#}
  4. {#    {% endif %}#}
  5. {#    <div class="place-and-name-product-show">#}
  6. {#        <div class="place-product-show">#}
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  9. {#            </svg>#}
  10. {#            <span>{{ product.vendor.vendorAddress.city }}, {{ product.vendor.vendorAddress.country }}</span>#}
  11. {#        </div>#}
  12. {#        <span>|</span>#}
  13. {#        <div class="vendor-name-product-show">#}
  14. {#            <svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">#}
  15. {#                <path d="M10 17.2C7.5 17.2 5.29 15.92 4 14C4.03 12 8 10.9 10 10.9C12 10.9 15.97 12 16 14C15.3389 14.9844 14.4459 15.7912 13.3996 16.3492C12.3533 16.9072 11.1858 17.1994 10 17.2ZM10 3C10.7956 3 11.5587 3.31607 12.1213 3.87868C12.6839 4.44129 13 5.20435 13 6C13 6.79565 12.6839 7.55871 12.1213 8.12132C11.5587 8.68393 10.7956 9 10 9C9.20435 9 8.44129 8.68393 7.87868 8.12132C7.31607 7.55871 7 6.79565 7 6C7 5.20435 7.31607 4.44129 7.87868 3.87868C8.44129 3.31607 9.20435 3 10 3ZM10 0C8.68678 0 7.38642 0.258658 6.17317 0.761205C4.95991 1.26375 3.85752 2.00035 2.92893 2.92893C1.05357 4.8043 0 7.34784 0 10C0 12.6522 1.05357 15.1957 2.92893 17.0711C3.85752 17.9997 4.95991 18.7362 6.17317 19.2388C7.38642 19.7413 8.68678 20 10 20C12.6522 20 15.1957 18.9464 17.0711 17.0711C18.9464 15.1957 20 12.6522 20 10C20 4.47 15.5 0 10 0Z" fill="#858585"/>#}
  16. {#            </svg>#}
  17. {#            <span>{{ product.vendor.shopUser.customer.firstName}} {{ product.vendor.shopUser.customer.lastName }}</span>#}
  18. {#        </div>#}
  19. {#    </div>#}
  20. {#    {% include '@SyliusShop/Product/Show/_inventory.html.twig' %}#}
  21. {#</div>#}
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