templates/bundles/SyliusShopBundle/layout.html.twig line 162

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  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
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  131. {{ sonata_block_render_event('sylius.shop.layout.before_body') }}
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  136.             {{ sonata_block_render_event('sylius.shop.layout.before_currency_switcher') }}
  137.             {{ render(controller('sylius.controller.shop.currency_switch:renderAction')) }}
  138.             {{ render(controller('sylius.controller.shop.locale_switch:renderAction')) }}
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  140.             {{ render(controller('sylius.controller.shop.security_widget:renderAction', {'urlpath': urlpath})) }}
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  159. {#                {% include '@SyliusShop/_header.html.twig' %}#}
  160. {#                {{ sonata_block_render_event('sylius.shop.layout.after_header') }}#}
  161. {#                <div class="ui large stackable menu">#}
  162. {#                    {{ render(url('sylius_shop_partial_taxon_index_by_code', {'code': 'menu_category', 'template': '@SyliusShop/Taxon/_horizontalMenu.html.twig'})) }}#}
  163. {#                    {{ render(path('bitbag_sylius_cms_plugin_shop_page_show_link_by_code', {'code' : 'about', 'template' : '@BitBagSyliusCmsPlugin/Shop/Page/Show/_link.html.twig'})) }}#}
  164. {#                    <a href="{{ path('sylius_admin_login') }}" class="item">#}
  165. {#                        <span class="ui label blue credentials">Admin credentials: bitbag, password: password</span>#}
  166. {#                    </a>#}
  167. {#                </div>#}
  168. {#            </header>#}
  169. {#        {% endblock %}#}
  170. {#        {% include '@SyliusUi/_flashes.html.twig' %}#}
  171.         {{ sonata_block_render_event('sylius.shop.layout.before_content') }}
  172.         {% block content %}
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  177.         {% include '@SyliusShop/_footer.html.twig' %}
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  180. {% block javascripts %}
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  182.     {{ sylius_template_event('sylius.shop.layout.javascripts') }}
  183.     {{ sonata_block_render_event('sylius.shop.layout.javascripts') }}
  184. {% endblock %}
  185. {% include '@SyliusUi/Modal/_confirmation.html.twig' %}
  186. {{ sonata_block_render_event('sylius.shop.layout.after_body') }}
  187. </body>
  188. </html>